10-year moratorium on fracking

In October, 2018, Troy's Bill to ban the practice of fracking in the Limestone Coast for 10-years -  the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy (Ban on Hydraulic Fracturing) Amendment Bill - officially became law.

This legislation ensures that mining companies are only able to use conventional gas extraction methods while exploring or mining for gas in our region. Unconventional methods, such as fracking, will not be permitted until 2028.

The Limestone Coast is one of South Australia’s main farming regions and protecting our farmland and precious underground water supplies is paramount.

Since becoming the Member for Mount Gambier in 2014, Troy has fought hard for this legislation to become law and represent the views of his electorate.

The passing of this Bill shows the Limestone Coast community’s voice has been heard loud and clear.

This was a great outcome for the people of the Limestone Coast and one of Troy's proudest achievements as the Member for Mount Gambier.