Our electorate office deals with a wide range of issues and matters that fall under the responsibility of the State Government. Priority will always be given to assisting residents who reside within our electorate of Mount Gambier. You can contact our office by calling (08)87 249944, emailing mtgambier@parliament.sa.gov.au or visiting in person at 24a Bay Road, Mount Gambier.
Any matters to do with Centrelink, immigration, Department of Veterans Affairs, My Aged Care, My Health Record, Medicare, Australian Tax Office or child support come under Federal jurisdiction and we are unable to assist in these instances.
We request that you contact the Federal Member for Barker Tony Pasin at his office on 27 Commercial Street, Mount Gambier for assistance. Ph: (08) 8724 7730.
We generally have a Justice of the Peace available during business hours. However, for complex requests, including Advanced Care Directives, it's best to call first to ensure our JPs have time to complete your request. To find additional JPs operating in the region, check the SA Government website.
Yes! It is a pleasure to provide free printing of documents, including newsletters, meeting minutes, programs and posters for local community organisations within the electorate.
Contact our office on 0887 249944 or email mtgambier@parliament.sa.gov.au to discuss your requirements with our team.
We provide information on available grants and funding opportunities on our Grants page under the Community tab, both from government and non-government sources.
Celebrating a big occasion? Congratulatory wedding anniversary messages can be provided for 50th, 60th, 65th and 70th anniversaries.
Birthday congratulations can be provided for 90th, 95th, 100th, 105th and 110th birthdays.
To apply, visit this link - https://bit.ly/3b4xHeh
The Office of External Relations process messages to be sent by the Premier of SA, as well as advising offices of the Governor-General, the Governor, Prime Minister, Federal and State Leaders of the Opposition, and Federal and State Members of Parliaments.
Applications should be sent no less than 2 months and no more than 6 months prior to the date of the birthday or anniversary.
For more information, contact the Office of External Relations at GPO Box 2343, ADELAIDE, SA 5001. Phone 8226 3631 or email protocol@dpc.sa.gov.au
The first priority is to contact the provider or relevant body to explain your situation and explore all possible avenues to appealing or reducing the bill or fine.
If you are still not satisfied, contact the ombudsman in that industry.
Energy and Water Ombudsman – 1800 665 565 or www.ewosa.com.au
Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman - 1800 062 058 or www.tio.com.auHealth and Community Services Complaints Commissioner - (08) 8226 8666 or www.hcscc.sa.gov.au/
Fair Work Ombudsman - 13 13 94 or www.fairwork.gov.au
State Government OmbudsmanSA – (08) 8226 8699 or www.ombudsman.sa.gov.au
We welcome all invitations for Troy to attend events, openings or formal occasions, however this will be at the discretion of the Parliament sitting calendar and available time. All requests should be submitted to mtgambier@parliament.sa.gov.au, preferably with as much notice as possible.
You can contact our office for a South Australian flag or Federal MP Tony Pasin’s office for Australian or Torres Strait Islander flags.
It is compulsory for all eligible Australian citizens over the age of 18 to enrol to vote in State and Federal elections. To enrol to vote or update your details, complete the online form at www.aec.gov.au
For more information, contact the Australian Electoral Commission on 13 23 26 or the Electoral Commission of South Australia at www.ecsa.sa.gov.au or 1300 655 232.
You are able to watch both the House of Assembly and the Legislative Council live broadcast on sitting weeks through this link. https://www.parliament.sa.gov.au/en/About-Parliame...
The Patient Assistance Transport Scheme (PATS) is a State Government program which provides a subsidy to assist South Australians who have to travel more than 100kms for specialist medical treatment.
Application forms are available from referring local doctors, your local PATS office or online at https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/health+services/country+health+services/patient+assistance+transport+scheme
The PATS process may take up to six weeks to be processed.
For more information, contact the PATS team on 1300 341 684 or email CHSAPATS@sa.gov.auTroy is happy to support community projects and grants to support local organisations. Contact our office, in writing, explaining your project or grant submission, with as much information and notice as possible.
If Troy supports the project, he will send you an official letter of support.
Contact the office on 0887 249944 or email mtgambier@parliament.sa.gov.auAssistance with the lodgement of your tax return is available through the Tax Help Program. This is currently conducted through Federal MP Tony Pasin's office at 27 Commercial St East, Mount Gambier.
The Mount Gambier electorate comprises of the boundaries of the City of Mount Gambier and District Council of Grant boundaries, including Mount Gambier, Tarpeena, Kongorong, Donovans, Carpenters Rocks and Port MacDonnell.
Find out more about this electorate at the South Australian Electoral Commission website.