Mr BELL (Mount Gambier) (15:25): My question is also to the Premier. Will the Premier reconsider the merits of a cross-border commissioner to support residents, businesses and industries located near the Victorian border impacted by statewide lockdowns?
The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL (Dunstan—Premier) (15:25): I don't think I have ever ruled it out. I am probably yet to be convinced precisely what the benefits would be. We have a good working relationship with the Victorian government from a health perspective. We have been nuancing the arrangements with regard to the border communities. We appreciate that we do have some real impact upon those border communities every time we seek to put restrictions in place, so I think we need to be mindful of that. What specific benefit a cross-border commissioner would provide I am not 100 per cent sure, but I don't think I have ruled it out. I am happy to hear more.