Valley Lakes Development Plan

Mount Gambier's Blue Lake and Valley Lakes precinct are key attractions for the Limestone Coast region and offer untapped commercial tourism opportunities.

The lack of paid ‘experiences’ available for visitors is a problem for the Blue Lake city, which is missing out on lucrative tourism dollars.

Our city needs to capitalise on its unique natural assets and develop a masterplan for the precinct.

In 2015, Troy began the Mount Gambier Outside the Box Facebook page as a ‘think-tank’ to generate some positive discussion and big ideas for the city.

Nature-based tourism experiences are one of the key priorities highlighted in the South Australian Tourism Commission’s Regional Visitor Strategy across the next few years.

The Limestone Coast is ideally placed and equipped to offer these experiences.

As your voice in State Parliament, Troy values your thoughts and opinions. Contact him at to share your views or share this campaign via the links below.